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Events for April 24 - April 27 › Birding Workshops

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April 2025
April 24 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am

We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder of Birdability, an organization committed to making the birding community and the outdoors accessible, safe, welcoming and inclusive for everybody and every body. Co-leading with…

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April 24 @ 9:00 am - 10:15 am

Spring is an exciting time to go birding on the Upper Texas Coast because of its prime location within two major migratory flyways. In this workshop, Kristine Rivers will discuss the reasons birds undertake such a hazardous roundtrip journey each year, and review what ornithologists know about how birds orient and find their way. We’ll also talk about migration trends and take a closer look at some of the beautiful species you may see and hear during FeatherFest.

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April 24 @ 12:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Birders will find this workshop/field trip combo the perfect introduction to coastal birding. During the workshop, your guides will give a brief discussion about the diversity of species, as well as various techniques to identify birds on the Upper Texas Coast. We will then board our bus and proceed to the East End Lagoon Nature Preserve beach area where you’ll see Black Skimmer, American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, and many species of shorebirds, gulls, terns, sandpipers, plovers, and more. Stops along the way will highlight birds preferring marsh habitat.

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April 24 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

A surprising number of birds have very similar looking species and make you think you are seeing double when you look at them. Some look-a-likes are extremely difficult to separate, while others are challenging but can, with practice, be separated. Examples include the Neotropic and Double-creasted Cormorant, Solitary and Lesser Yellowlegs Sandpipers,, Couch’s and Tropical Kingbirds, Northern and Louisiana Waterthrushes to name only a few. In this presentation we will learn how to distinguish between some of the more commonly seen…

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April 25 @ 10:45 am - 11:45 am

Are you having trouble identifying plovers, terns, gulls, peeps and other shorebirds? Help is on the way! Local birding guide and FeatherFest favorite, Allen Hardee, will share some basic field ID approaches and specialty tips for identifying the shorebirds of Galveston Island. To enhance your experience with this workshop, sign up for the Shorebirds, Gulls & Terns on Galveston Island Field Trip also on Friday.

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April 25 @ 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This workshop/field trip combo is for beginning birders learning the fundamentals and those wanting to brush up on their birding skills. The one-hour workshop will introduce you to learning how to get started and improve birding skills, techniques, and confidence. Topics include birding practices, optics selection and use, field guides, bird identification considerations and techniques, field notebooks, birding etiquette and ethics, and common birds of Galveston Island. Emphasis will be placed on the field identification of common species After a…

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April 25 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

We love birds for so many reasons: their beautiful songs, their fascinating behaviors, their incredible life histories. And, of course, their gorgeous plumage! This outdoor watercolor workshop will focus on capturing the amazing colors and patterns of birds in an expressive, splashy watercolor painting style that is simple to use and requires basic, easy to obtain materials. The class will focus on letting go of anatomical perfection to examine instead a combination of emotion, energy, and color that portrays a…

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April 25 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Hawks are an exciting family of birds to observe and identify. We will discuss the identification of species that occur on the upper Texas Coast, including Accipiters, Buteos, Eagles, Kites, Falcons, Osprey, and Harrier as well as some birds that are often mistaken for a Raptor. In this presentation, we will cover the fundamentals of Raptor Identification. Join us to learn “how to look at a hawk”, “where to look”, and “what to look for” to identify hawks, both in…

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April 25 @ 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

During this presentation, participants will learn exactly who this “disabled” audience is and how to find people with mobility and other health challenges. They will learn what accessibility REALLY looks like and get instructions on using the amazing Birdability Map. They will learn the steps to implement Birdability in their locales and learn ways to be a more welcoming and inclusive birder. Additionally, participants will learn about Adaptive Birding Equipment and Mindful Birding. What is Mindful Birding exactly and why…

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April 26 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Birds need bugs—for food, as well as to support the ecosystems that sustain birds. Sadly, bugs (insects and other arthropods) face many challenges to their survival, and they need our help. The good news is that we can take simple steps to help them—right here, right now, right in our own gardens. In this presentation, Lauren Simpson explains the importance of bugs for birds, introduces our native insects, and shares simple techniques for transforming our own garden into a beautiful, native-plant paradise—one that supports bugs, birds, and other wildlife while also pleasing neighbors. Ms. Simpson will also bring native-plant seeds, harvested from her own gardens, to share with attendees

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April 26 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

In this presentation we discuss how the Purple Martin connection to the Native Americans brought about a complete transition change in their nesting habits. This shift marks an important relationship between humans and Martins today. In addition, we’ll examine their migratory patterns, food sources, and potential predators.

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder of Birdability, an organization committed to making the birding community and the outdoors accessible, safe, welcoming and inclusive for everybody and every body. Joining Virginia on…

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