Focusing on discovering migrating songbirds on Galveston’s West End, this trip will feature warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks, and buntings. Located at the intersection of two important migratory flyways, Galveston Island provides critical resources and cover for birds as they journey northward. During stormy weather, fallout events are common, as birds seek shelter and much-needed rest at the first sight of land.
Our first stop will be at Lafitte’s Cove Nature Preserve, Galveston’s crown jewel during spring migration. We will take our time walking the winding trails within the dense grove of trees, spotting songbirds in the canopy and checking for activity at the water drips. The freshwater ponds in the preserve provide close views of a variety of waterfowl, herons and egrets, and shorebirds. Highlights include the potential of Spotted Sandpiper, Wilson’s Snipe, Sora, and Bufflehead.
We will continue our trip with a drive along Settegast Road, watching the fence lines and protected coastal prairie habitat for migrants. This beautiful area should be highly productive, with the possibility of a variety of songbirds including flycatchers, buntings, and tanagers. White-tailed Kites nest in the area and are usually present, as well. We will make a brief stop at Oppenheimer Bird Observatory to explore the small pond from an elevated platform. Additionally, we will take a quick break for those who need to use the portable restroom.
Our final stop will be at Dos Vacas Muertas Bird Sanctuary in the Far West End. Although it is not as well-known as Lafitte’s Cove, this small spring hotspot protected by Houston Audubon can be just as productive for spring migrants. Providing a small water feature and dense cover within salt cedar, yaupon, dead trees lost during Hurricane Ike, and newly planted oaks, this sanctuary is a magnet for migrating birds. We will view the small pond from the elevated bird blind, walk the boardwalk and short trail, and work the edge of the sanctuary from the entrance road. Highlights in this area include the potential of Bronzed Cowbird, Scarlet and Summer Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Marsh Wren, and White-tailed Kite.
Bring: water, snacks, sunscreen, and insect repellent