Join Greg and local birder David Hanson on a trip guaranteed to expose you to many island habitats and what ought to be a significant variety of species! Well known by the locals, these less familiar hot spots have proved fruitful time and again.
We’ll begin at Lafitte’s Cove walking the paths in search of migrating and nesting songbirds in the oaks and wading birds in the ponds. From there, we journey east to pick up herons and egrets, migrating shorebirds and waterfowl in the wetland areas so numerous in this section of the island. Chance of Upland Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Long-billed Curlew, and other more secretive species are possible. We then head down to the bay and along Sportsman Road to search for additional waterfowl, waders, rails, Black Skimmer and American Oystercatcher. If we are lucky, we may see Common Loon, Eared Grebe, and Osprey. Now heading to the Gulf, we turn to the skies searching for White-tailed Kite, Osprey, Crested Caracara, and other raptors. Once there we will investigate the ponds and tidal pools for gulls, terns, cormorants, sanderlings, plovers, and sandpipers. Our last stop will be at Moody Gardens. Walking out to Offatts Bayou we pass by two holding ponds that often hold surprising peep species. Also possible is a Peregrine Falcon atop one of the pyramids of the facility. If we are lucky, on the Bayou we may see Common Loon, Eared Grebe, and Osprey.
Bring: water, snacks, sunscreen, insect repellent